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How to Add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger?

Hello Friends, in this tutorial I am going to show you How to Add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger? SEO Friendly Meta Tags for Keyword and Description are main aspects in On-Page SEO of making Your Blog more SEO Friendly. Google can Easily Find your Blog and Search Engine Easily Catch your Keyword and Description. It can Increase the Click Through Rate (CTR). These SEO Friendly Meta Tags help Search Engines Bots Like Google Bot, Bing Bot, Yahoo Bot, to Understand that what the Webpage is about.
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How to Add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger?

Hello Friends, in this tutorial I am going to show you How to Add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger?

SEO Friendly Meta Tags for Keyword and Description are main aspects in On-Page SEO of making Your Blog more SEO Friendly. Google can Easily Find your Blog and Search Engine Easily Catch your Keyword and Description. It can Increase the Click Through Rate (CTR). These SEO Friendly Meta Tags help Search Engines Bots Like Google Bot, Bing Bot, Yahoo Bot, to Understand that what the Webpage is about.

SEO Friendly Meta Tags are very Helpful in Blogger if you Use this SEO Friendly Meta Tags very Effectively in your Blogger Blog.

SEO Friendly Meta Tags are one of the On-Page SEO Strategy of Blogger and Increases your Blog / Website Ranking in Popular Search Engine Like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Many of Bloggers does not use These SEO Friendly Meta Tags because of Lack of SEO and Some of I Seen they Use their Blog/Website Description as a Post Description that Conflicts in Search Engine So, Search Engines Bots Can’t Able to Crawl that Blog/Website. So, Friends Use These Below SEO Friendly Meta Tags to Improve your On-Page SEO of Blogger. You Need to Use a Blog/Website Description Only on Homepage and use Post Description in Blogger. It Definitely Improves your Alexa Rank and Search Engine Indexing.

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    Add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger

    SEO Friendly Meta Tags – Information About Your Blog/Website that are Unseen by Visitor but Crawled by Search Engines and help Search Engine to Understand that What the Blog\Website is About.

    Why we Use SEO Friendly Meta Tags?

    Some Bloggers Thought that Why we use SEO Friendly Meta Tags in our Blogger Template. So, Here to Know about that Blogger is Not more Optimized for SEO like WordPress So, you need to Do Manual SEO to Improve your Blogger Blog. In Default Blogger Template There are no Meta Tags for Blog Description and Keyword So, you need to add this SEO Friendly Meta Tags Manually and Other is many of Free Blogger Templates have Meta Tags But they are not Optimized with SEO.

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    These are the Steps to add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger (Description & Keywords):

    Before Starting the Steps of this On-Page SEO Optimization. You need to Add Some Code in Your Blogger Template, in below Code we are Already Optimized SEO Friendly Meta Tags, but you Only Need to Add Your Own Blog/site Description, keywords, Author Name, Author Email ID Before Pasting the Code in your Blogger Blog. Now, These are the steps to add SEO Friendly Meta Tags in Blogger.

    Step 1: Copy the Following Code.

    NOTE : You Just need to Fill all the Details about Author and Blog, because in the following Code, I use Demo of SEO Meta Tag for Blogger.

    Step 2: Open Your Blogger Blog Account. (As Shown in the Picture)

    Step 2: Open Your Blogger Blog Account.

    Step 3: Click on Theme Option. (As Shown in the Picture)

    Step 3: Click on Theme Option.

    Step 4: Click on Edit HTML Button. (As Shown in the Picture)

    Step 4: Click on Edit HTML Button.

    Step 5: Click on White Space Area in theme Code box. (As Shown in the Picture)

    Step 5: Click on White Space Area in theme Code box.

    Step 6: Press CTRL+F and Find Open Head Tag Code In your Blogger Template. (As shown in the picture)

    Step 6: Press CTRL+F and Find <head> code in your Blogger Template.

    Step 7: Paste the Coped SEO Friendly Meta Tags After. (As Shown in the Picture)

    Step 7: Paste the Coped SEO Friendly Meta Tags After.

    Step 8: Click On Save Button To Save Your Theme. (As Shown in the Picture)

    Step 8: Click On Save Button To Save Your Theme.

    After Successfully Adding the SEO Friendly Meta Tags code in your Blogger Template, you see the Results within a Week.

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    NOTE : In Above Code We Cover almost all SEO Friendly Meta Tags that Every Blogger Need Like Author Name, Email Address, Search Engine Bots Names and Optimized Blog Description and Keyword with Dynamic Meta Tags. Your Blog/Site Description is Automatically Disable for Post Pages because It can Conflict in Search Engines. So, you need to show Post Description on your Post Page Instead of Blog/Site Description.

    SEO Friendly Meta Tags are Very Important On-Page SEO Technique for New Bloggers to Get Higher Ranking in Popular Search Engines Like Google, Yahoo and Bing.


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