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If you also want to get a fancy mobile number, then know its complete process

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Everyone wants his number to be a VIP number, but very few people know about how it is taken. Today, i am gonna to tell you how you can apply for a fancy number.

If you also want to get a fancy mobile number, then know its complete process
If you also want to get a fancy mobile number, then know its complete process

Now-a-day fancy number CRAZE is increasing rapidly. Everyone wants his number to be something that everyone can easily remember. There are many similar digits in a fancy number, which is quite easy to remember, but the question is how to get such numbers. Let's know how you can apply to get a fancy number.

How to apply for a fancy number.

To get fancy number or the VIP number, the first thing to do that go to Google and search for BSNL Choose Your Mobile Number (for example).

After this click on top of the website CYMN

A window will come out, and in the form of different zones, the state has been given. Choose the state you live in.

After clicking on the state, a new page will open. Unlock the page by sliding the slider given in.

After page unlock, some phone numbers will come out in front of the page.

There are two types of numbers given, first simple number and other VIP number.

Now, click on Fancy number.

By clicking on it, you will have a new table in front of you. There is an option named as Cost.

You have to pay the money to buy these numbers. The price of each number will be written in front of it.

In this, you can also search the number of your favorite digit. For this, you can search by going to content. Apart from this you can also search the number under the option of the Search by the Sequence.

Now select the number you have to buy.

Now you have to click on the Reserve Number option above. After this a dialog box will open.

Now you have to enter your active mobile number in it. As soon as you enter the number, a pin will come on your phone, which you will have to enter here.

After doing this your VIP number will be reserved. After reserving, click on Fill Application.

In this, you have to submit your details and make OK. Apart from this, you can also fill the form by going to the company's nearby outlet.

With this, the company's office will be to go to the office and the name of the information and the number.

After which your favorite number will get you.

About the Author

Shivagya World is one of the best Blog that provides free Tips and Tricks about Android, YouTube, Facebook, Whatsapp, Blogger, SEO Tips, Hacks much more. Which can be very very helpful for your daily life. Facebooktwitteryoutube

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