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Joker Malware Apps Once Again Come back to Bypass Google Play Store Protections

Cybersecurity researchers team took the wraps off yet another instance of Android malware hidden under the guise of legitimate applications to stealthily subscribe unsuspecting users for premium services without their knowledge. In a report published by Check Point research today, the malware — infamously called JOKER (or BREAD) — has found another trick to bypass Google's Play Store protections: obfuscate the malicious DEX executable inside the application as Base64 encoded strings, then decoded and loaded on the compromised device. Following responsible disclosure by Check Point researchers team, the 11 apps, in question were removed by Google from the Play Store on April 30, 2020. "The Joker malware is tricky to detect, despite Google's investment in adding Play Store protections," said Check Point's Aviran Hazum, Bogdan Melnykov, Israel Wernik, who identified the new modus operandi of Joker malware. "Although Google removed the malicious apps from the Play Store.”
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 Joker Malware Apps Once Again Come back to Bypass Google Play Store Protections

Cybersecurity researchers team took the wraps off yet another instance of Android malware hidden under the guise of legitimate applications to stealthily subscribe unsuspecting users for premium services without their knowledge.

In a report published by Check Point research today, the malware — infamously called JOKER (or BREAD) — has found another trick to bypass Google's Play Store protections: obfuscate the malicious DEX executable inside the application as Base64 encoded strings, then decoded and loaded on the compromised device.

Following responsible disclosure by Check Point researchers team, the 11 apps, in question were removed by Google from the Play Store on April 30, 2020.

"The Joker malware is tricky to detect, despite Google's investment in adding Play Store protections," said Check Point's Aviran Hazum, Bogdan Melnykov, Israel Wernik, who identified the new modus operandi of Joker malware. "Although Google removed the malicious apps from the Play Store.”

Joker: A Large-Scale Billing Fraud Family

The Joker malware First discovered in 2017, Joker malware is one of the most prevalent type of Android malware, notorious for perpetrating billing fraud and its spyware capabilities, including stealing SMS messages, contact lists, and device information.

It’s Campaigns involving Joker gained more foothold last year, with a number of malware infected Android applications uncovered by CSIS Security Group, Trend Micro, Dr.Web, and Kaspersky, repeatedly finding unique ways to exploit gaps in Play Store security.

To hide their true nature, the malware authors behind the large-scale operation have resorted to a variety of methods — encryption to hide strings from analysis engines, fake reviews of apps, and a technique called versioning, which refers to uploading a clean version of the app to the Play Store to build trust among users and then adding malicious code via app updates.

"As the Play Store has introduced new policies and Google Play Protect has scaled defenses, Bread apps were forced to continually iterate to search for gaps," Android's Security & Privacy Team said earlier this year. "They have at some point used just about every cloaking and obfuscation technique under the sun in an attempt to go undetected."

As of January 2020, Google has removed more than 1,700+ apps submitted to the Google Play Store over the past three years that had been infected with the malware.

Android Manifest to Hide Malicious DEX File

Manifest File ontaining the Base64 encoded dex
Manifest File ontaining the Base64 encoded dex

The new variant spotted by Check Point research team (Aviran Hazum, Bogdan Melnykov, Israel Wernik) has the same goal but goes about it by leveraging the application's manifest file, which it uses to load a Base64 encoded DEX file.

A second "in-between" version identified by Check Point employs (Aviran Hazum, Bogdan Melnykov, Israel Wernik) a similar technique of hiding the .dex file as Base64 strings but adds them as an inner class in the main application and loads it through reflection APIs.

"To achieve the capability of subscribing users to premium services without their knowledge or consent, the Joker utilized two main components — Notification Listener as a part of the original apps, and a dynamic .dex file loaded from the C&C server to perform the registration" Aviran noted in his analysis.

Additionally, the variant comes equipped with a new feature that allows the threat actor to remotely issue a "false" status code from a C&C server under their control to suspend the malicious activity.

If anything, the latest Joker scheme represents less of a critical threat than it does a reminder of how Android malware is continually evolving and has to be protected continuously.

For users who have installed any of the infected applications, it's worth checking your mobile and transaction history to see if there are any suspicious payments that you don't recognize. Also, make sure to carefully scrutinize your permissions for every app installed on your Android Mobile.

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  1. nice bro
  2. Nice article
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