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Why need for ban Chinese apps?

The government has been banned on the foreign app for the third time and 118 apps in the new list. From Pubg Mobile to Pikular Chinese apps.
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The government has been banned on the foreign app for the third time and 118 apps in the new list. From Pubg Mobile to Popular Chinese apps like Tiktok, in userbased in India, it was in the millions of this, even after the government banned this app. Learn, why not all were necessary and what the Indian Develops say to it.

Why need for ban Chinese apps?

The third time has been ordered to put ban on the app on behalf of the Government of India and this time also due to the national unity, integrity and security is being discussed. In the last week of June, the government took place on Tik tok and Helo 55 Chinese apps, including this, 47 China's connected apps were banned in July. Now the 118 apps has been ordered to ban and the connection connection of the banned apps is not hidden from anyone. The app is due to the banning of the app and the major reasons are there.

The reason for banning apps has expressed the danger associated with data collection and sharing every time. Actually, India does not know about the risk of the whole world users' detailed connections. The last year, the Chinese banquet was based on the Huawei, the reason was that the Huawei was raising the data of the citizens of the city. Personal data of citizens of any country can be used to harm that country and after India does not want to take this risk after China.

The wrong use of the data is dangerous

China raises the data of people around the world through its apartments app but do not use China's civil global social media platforms. In such a situation, there is a complete control of the government on the people's data. Chinese hackers are the most dangerous worldwide and other countries often describe data theft. Many Chinese apps store the personal information of steal-hidden users in China's server, later it can be harmed to the user and largely any country.

The opportunity for Indian app makers also

In the current situation, India will not want to have China's control over the large part of its large digital network. In such a situation, banning the popular apps is better. Users can get an estimate from the data that the people of India are more, or what their habits are there. Similarly, analysis from the physical data from the physical data to the personal assets can reach many important information. Apart from this, after the foreign app banana, there are many opportunities to prove ourselves near Indian Developments and the Indian App Develops is also encouraging.

What says the Indian App Developments?

Popular Indian app Chingari CEO Sumit Ghosh said that the government should also see companies, in which China has invested and which are using Chinese products or technology. Sumit emphasized the security of data from Indian citizens. At the same time, the Bikayi app's--founder Sonakshi also has considered the better decision to the app bananas. He said that it is time to solve the local and Indian start-ups will benefit it. Sandeep Hindachap, who prepared apps, documentation scanning, is also considered the great time for the Indian Development to the Apple Balance.

About the Author

Passionate coder dedicated to crafting innovative solutions.


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